Horizon: The Truth About Looking Young Plastic surgeon Dr Rozina Ali leaves the operating theatre behind for the frontiers of skin science and asks if it is possible to make your skin look younger without surgery. She discovers the latest research about how the foods we eat can protect our skin from damage, and how a chemical found in a squid's eye is at the forefront of a new ..好久没有联络,并不是距离远了。好久没有消息,并不是关心没了。从成为朋友那刻起你就不曾远离,就注定扎根在我心里。其实朋友就是这样,无需想起,因为从未忘记。 展开全部
Horizon: The Truth About Looking Young Plastic surgeon Dr Rozina Ali leaves the operating theatre behind for the frontiers of skin science and asks if it is possible to make your skin look younger without surgery. She discovers the latest research about how the foods we eat can protect our skin from damage, and how a chemical found in a squid's eye is at the forefront of a new ..好久没有联络,并不是距离远了。好久没有消息,并不是关心没了。从成为朋友那刻起你就不曾远离,就注定扎根在我心里。其实朋友就是这样,无需想起,因为从未忘记。 收起全部